[b]Owner:[/b] The character the Summon/Pet is for.
[b]Type:[/b] Pet/Summon
[b]Magicka:[/b] Pets and Summons can have 1 Magicka type when first obtained and may gain a second one later.
[b]Abilities:[/b] Pets and Summons can have 1 special ability. If not taken on creation it can be obtained later.
[b]Description:[/b] A decent paragraph describing what exactly the pet/summon is as well as how it looks.
[b]Personality:[/b] Pets require at least 1 good paragraph, summons require at least 2.
[b]History:[/b] For summons, a history of before they gave you their summon gem as well as a brief summary of the quest you went on to get the gem and earn their trust. For pets, a brief summary of how you obtained them.